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Maya Hatch is an international singer-songwriter from Seattle, Washington currently based in Japan. As a child, she began acting and singing for various educational programs, television stations and musical productions. After graduating high school in Seattle, Maya went on to further her studies in jazz at The New School in NYC. While she was there, she was discovered by Japanese jazz label Spice of Life, through which she released two vocal jazz albums "My Foolish Heart" (2009) and "Li'l Darlin'" (2012). Her voice has been featured on several mainstream Japanese commercials, television shows and motion picture soundtracks. Although Maya resigned from Spice of Life in 2013 and has since become a self-managed independent artist, she continues to make her mark on the Japanese music scene. With recent performances with jazz giants such as Ron Carter and Richard Bona, ukulele virtuoso Jake Shimabukuro, R&B pioneers BOYZ II MEN, Hip-Hop icons such as ZEEBRA, and Japanese pop stars such as EXILE ATSUSHI and Shikao Suga, Maya demonstrates her wide musical ability to seamlessly cross genres and win the hearts of her listeners with her unique and sincere voice. Most recently, she has collaborated with the legendary singer-songwriter Babyface on her newly released single "Fly Away.” She is also one half of UnMe, a Hip-Hop/R&B duo consisting of her and her husband, MC BOODAH.  

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マヤ・ハッチ プロフィール



2009年ファーストアルバム「My Foolish Heart/マイ・フーリッシュ・ハート」でジャズ・シンガーデビュー。


2012年R&Bフレイバーを取り込んだ斬新なセカンドアルバム「Li’l Darlin/リル・ダーリン」をリリース。


最近はEXILE ATSUSHIやスガ シカオのバックコーラスを務め、更に2016年、EXILE ATSUSHIと札幌ドーム公演でデュエットを果たす。

LUX・スーパー・リッチ・シャンプー、ドコモGalaxy Note Edgeなど、多数のCMソングに起用され、映画「チア☆ダン」、「心が叫びたがってるんだ。」、テレビドラマ「ブラックリベンジ (日テレ・2017)」、「アシガールSP (NHK・2018)」のテーマ曲や挿入歌を提供し、また劇場版「信長協奏曲」のサウンドトラックへの楽曲提供など、活躍の場を広げている。

現在は公私ともにパートナーであるラッパー、MC BOODAHと二人組のR&B/Hip-HopユニットUnMe(運命)を結成、2019年1月にファースト・シングル「The Sky Told Me/ザ・スカイ・トールド・ミー」をリリース。

最新シングル「Fly Away」は、数多くのヒット曲を生み出してきた伝説的なR&Bシンガー・ソングライターであるBabyfaceとのコラボレーション。


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is a vocalist from a new generation who carries with her the joy of living and is sure to brighten a dark unstable world, reminding us of the true power of infinite kindness.”

– Hijiri Kanno, music critic


(音楽評論家:菅野 聖)

©2021 by Maya Hatch. Proudly created with

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